Financial Application Financial help offered through this program is for the educational materials offered through our mother organization, Clarity University. You will not be required to submit any proof of your financial status, other than your word. Therefore, the integrity of this program depends on your level of honesty. This PRIVATE Loan / Grant program offers 'no doc' loans and grants, without recourse, based on our simple qualification process. This application is for the: (select one) Basic Lymphology Course (BLC $300) Discover Your Power Plants - The Series (DYPPS $300) Applied Lymphology Course (ALC $3,000 - without live training or certification fees, unless otherwise specifically requested and approved.) Step 1: Since we are very serious about helping EVERYONE, regardless of race or religion, you MUST first simply forget about what you can't afford to do. Simply let go of can't! Because we're here to help you solve that problem right now! Focus on what you can do, within enough ease and within your power! Please take a moment of prayerful silence and listen to what comes with your heart. Please be honest now. Could you pay the total regular amount we ask for this program up front if you wanted to? Yes No If yes, please do so now as we need all the help we can get. If not, could you do it in monthly payments? Yes No If you selected monthly payments, focus on what you can afford, without pushing yourself too hard. Focus on what level of monthly payment you are comfortable with, then enter the monthly level below. Step 2: Please explain why you think you qualify or would like to qualify for this program: Step 3: Our preferred methods of accepting payments are listed below. You may select more than one option, however we usually prefer that you utilize the one closest to the top of this list. Please select the acceptable forms of payment for you: Crypto Yes orNo PayPal Yes orNo Credit Card Yes orNo Checks Yes orNo If yes, see our Check Policy for details. Cash Yes orNo Other Yes orNo If yes to 'Other', please explain Step 4: The Applied Lymphology Course contains an exam of over 250 questions, each one giving the page numbers in the book where the answers are found. So you just look up the answers and write them down - everyone makes an 'A'. This type of ‘open book' exam is a proven method as one of the fastest ways in the world to learn. Quickly supplying the secret answers to key questions is a main purpose of this program. This is one of the first things you will be directed to do when you access the course. A few people have completed this exam within 12 hours, not even expecting to, because everything was unfolding so beautifully before them. The questions mostly follow the same order of which the book reveals the answers. Every single person who has ever completed this exam has become empowered with its knowledge and their lives have been changed for the better. When you obtain access to the Applied Lymphology Course, what time frame will you plan to complete the exam? Step 5: There has been a growing need for people to have access to the truths contained in the Applied Lymphology Course. Health Care Costs have been doubling and tripling every 10 years since 1950. Degenerative diseases like heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes are beyond epidemic levels. And just consider how much one single hospital stay or surgery typically costs. You will discover that this program is everything we've represented it to be. As 'word of mouth' is the life blood of every organization, will you help spread the word and refer others to this program? Yes orNo If so, how? Step 7: Personal information: Name: E-mail: Phone: Address: Other comments: I am at least 18 years old. I promise that the information submitted on this form is honest and correct. I agree to use this as my digital signature. Yes No As explained earlier, this process is a very simple. After filling out the application form completely, submit it for approval. We will respond as soon as possible.